Lynn Dailey
- Business
Contact Information
- 614-236-6994
- ldailey@999lsm.net
- Troutman Hall 219
Dr. Lynn Dailey is a full professor and has held the George Moor Endowed Chair in Business and Economics at Capital University since 2008. She teaches in Capital's MBA and undergraduate programs and has been awarded Capital's top research and advising awards, the Faculty Scholar award and the Cotterman Advising award.
For the past 24 years, she has been engaged in business consulting and training for national clients, including Frigidaire Appliances, EXPRESS, Grange Insurance, OCLC, and Fortune Brands; several not-for-profits, including Edison Welding Institute and Deaf Initiatives; the government, including the Ohio Department of Development and the Ohio Bureau of Disability Determination; as well as many small businesses.
She is an expert in marketing, strategic planning, business plans, business skills training, marketing strategy and planning, focus groups, and consumer behavior.
Dr. Dailey has mentored student-centered experiential learning projects with over 90 central Ohio businesses and organizations, including the following:
American Heart Association
COSI - Center of Science and Industry
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Standing Stone Bank
Bexley Chamber of Commerce
Columbus Metropolitan Library
COOHIO - Coalition on Homeless & Housing
Drexel Theatres
Association of Electrical Contractors
Snow Trails
NorthStar Golf
Spinelli's Deli
Bexley Natural Market
Rambling House Soda
Dailey, Lynn (2022), “Unethical Retail Disposition: Can Retailers Provoke It and Mitigate It?,” Summer American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings, August (33), pp. 744-746.
Dailey, Lynn and M. Ali Ülkü (2018), “Retailers Beware: On Denied Product Returns and Consumer Behavior” Journal of Business Research, July, (86), pp. 202-209.
Dailey, Lynn C. (2017), “Restrictive Product Return Policies: Understanding the Impact of Consumers'' Expectation of Control on Consumer Reactance and Reactance-related Outcomes,” Winter American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings.
Dailey, Lynn C. (2015), “How and Why Restricting Product Returns and Varying Product Return Policies Impact Consumers,” Advances in Consumer Research Proceedings, 43, 783.
Dailey, Lynn (2014), “Using Psychological Reactance to Understand Product Return Policies'' Potential Influence On Consumers,” International Academy of Business and EconomicsProceedings, 14(3), 6.
Dailey, Lynn C. (2013), “Influencing Consumers through Restrictive Web Navigation: An Empirical Test,” International Journal of Consumer Research 2(1), 84-104.
Ülkü, M. Ali, Lynn C. Dailey, and H. Müge Yayla-Küllü (2013), “Serving Fraudulent Consumers? The Impact of Return Policies on Retailer’s Profitability,” Service Science, 5 (4), 296–309.
Dailey, Lynn and Mark Matson (2013), “Insider Trading: Internal Experts: An Effective, Affordable Way to Improve Operations,” HR Magazine, 58 (2), 72-73.
Dailey, Lynn (2013), “Using Client Based Projects (CBPs) in MBA Marketing Programs to Bridge the Gap between Theory and Practice,” Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings, March 2013.
Dailey, Lynn and M. Ali Ülkü (2012), “Understanding the Impact of Product Return Policies on Consumers,” Best Paper in Track Award, Natarajan, V. and M. Natarajarathinam eds. Proceedings of theAssociation of Collegiate Marketing Educators.
Ülkü, M. Ali and Lynn Dailey (2011), “Know Thy Consumer: A New Model to Explore the Impact of Fraudulent Returns on Retailer''s Return Policy,” Summer American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference Proceedings.
Dailey, Lynn (2011), “Marketing Part-Time MBA Programs: Understanding the Need for and Dimensions of Flexibility,” Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 5(2), 122-129.
Dailey, Lynn (2010), “Using Live Marketing Projects to Make Connections that Benefit Students, Local Organizations and University Reputation,” B. A. Vander Schee, ed., Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Proceedings.
Dailey, Lynn (2010), “Marketing Part-Time MBA Programs: Understanding the Need for and Dimensions of Flexibility” - Specifically MBA Education,” Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings.
Dailey, Lynn and MBA student authors (2006), Understanding MBA Consumer Needs and the Development of Marketing Strategy,” Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Volume 16, Issue1, pp. 143-158.
MBA Marketing Consulting
MBA Consumer Behavior and Focus Groups
Consumer Research and Strategy
Principles of Marketing
Introduction to Business
Ph.D. Business Administration, University of Kentucky
Master of Business Administration, Ohio University
Bachelor of Science Business Economics, The Ohio State University